5 Tips To Make Homework Fun
Any parent understands that they are an important part of the educational process: they are not the ones doing the learning, but they are involved in the process almost as much as the children are. One of the most challenging aspects of being a parent of a schoolchild is homework. There is no kid who loves doing homework, and their negative attitude will definitely affect you as a parent.
Moreover, deciding not to do homework or skip parts of it will also have its share of negative consequences – most importantly, bad grades and the teacher being unhappy with this outcome. And even if your children stay up until late night doing the homework, they will have trouble getting up on time in the morning, which can also make the whole family late. We don’t even mention the strain homework can put on your relationships with your children and how much stress all members of the family will experience.
Luckily, homework doesn’t always have to be so dramatic – there are ways to make the whole process much more pleasant for all the parties involved. Keep reading to find 5 most effective ways to make homework fun!
Tip #1: Pick the right place
One of the most effective ways to make homework more pleasant for a child is to organize their own work station. Children who are forced to do homework in the kitchen or living room often procrastinate and end up with badly done assignments. Plus, they have no reason to keep the place clean, since they don’t view it as their own.
The solution here is to create a dedicated workplace for your child. A desk with drawers for books and school supplies will become their new favorite place to do homework. They will be highly motivated to keep their work station neat, since they are the only ones using it and don’t want to come back to mess.
Tip #2: Design a reward system
Some parents are opposed to rewarding their kids for basic accomplishments like doing homework, but the reward system does wonders for some kids. If you’re tired of trying to motivate your children to do their homework, try offering incentives for every major task they complete.
The variety of rewards can depend on the volume of the homework and your possibilities, as well as what children truly want. Some kids will be perfectly happy with being able to watch more TV in the evening, while others will do anything to spend more time with their friends. Later bedtime, a visit to a local waterpark or restaurant, or even a new device at the end of the semester – there are so many ways to motivate your kids to do their homework!
Tip #3: Offer some snacks
In school children can only eat when they’re allowed to, but we all know that children require to eat regularly and even more often than adults to keep up with their growth and development rates. That is why children will work much better at home when they have access to snacks.
You need to make sure that the snacks won’t interfere with the family lunch or dinner, and the snacks should not be messy and unhealthy. That is why a bag of potato chips is hardly a good option for a snack, but a sliced apple or celery with hummus will keep your kid’s energy levels up. Cookies, crackers, or a small sandwich will also make studying much more fun.
Tip #4: Organize breaks
Studying at home should be different to studying at school in many regards, and the length of the studying session is one of them. At school children have to sit and learn for a long time, but nothing bad will happen if you allow them to take breaks when they are doing homework. Standing over your kids and telling them they can’t leave their desk until they complete the homework will hardly do any good, since they will feel not only tired, but also resentful.
A much better way to organize your children’s work at home is to introduce breaks. They can choose their own break time or you can create a schedule for them. Break time doesn’t mean they can continue sitting at the desk and playing computer games or visit social media. Instead they should have a little walk around and do some exercise to feel refreshed and ready to do some more homework.
Tip #5: Help your children
When it comes to homework, many adults mistakenly understand the job of a parent as simply controlling the children and forcing them to study. However, a much more effective strategy is to offer your children some assistance. Ask whether they need any help: maybe they have trouble understanding a particularly complex concept or don’t know a definition of a new word they’ve just seen. Giving your children a helping hand has a very positive effect on the success of their homework – together you can achieve great things!
Get Professional Help
Sometimes there is so much homework or the assignment is so complex that students can’t finish it even with the help of their parents. This is where a professional online writing service can come to the rescue! Our authors have vast experience with homework at any academic level and for any subject. Order your homework from our company and experience the stress-free, fast way to get the assignment you need to be done for you.