What is an ethics essay?

This type of essay covers some ethical or moral issues. Usually, you need to clarify this matter, provide your arguments, and other information required to expand this topic.
There are certain difficulties concerning this type of writing. First of all, your writing work will be related to non-material things. The next difficulty is that every person has its own view about one or another ethical aspect. Still, usually some generally accepted understanding of any moral aspect exists. These tips may facilitate your task.
Writing tips
Writing this type of essay may be a little bit difficult due to the serious nature of its subject. Still, there is some useful advice you may follow:
- Make it interesting. Feel free to add a hook to your introduction and some interesting statements to your text.
- Avoid using clichés. Your essay should not be boring.
- Make sure your essay is informative. It should provide your comprehensive review of the topic.
- Write this essay in a flowing manner. This means it should have sentences that naturally connect the paragraphs.
- Prefer simple words to express any statement. If you need to provide some terms, explain it briefly.
- When you write each sentence, keep in mind its main point.
- Adhere to the required formatting requirements.
- Do your best to write this essay beforehand.
Writing process
1. Choose your topic. The most important thing for successful writing is the right topic. It should be:
- interesting or even intriguing;
- related to the existing challenges in society;
- oriented on resolving a particular problem;
- informative enough;
- supported by facts;
- should be unresolved at the moment.
If you are uncertain about your topic, look through various magazines, newspapers, and similar resources to find your inspiration. There is plenty of interesting material and controversial news that can serve you as a basis for your essay.
You may also look for examples of similar essays on the Internet. They will help you not only in terms of choosing your topic but also for writing your essay well. In case of any difficulties, you can always refer to professionals for help.
2. Do your research
This essay seems to be simple only at first glance. To write it well, you should form your background about the topic you are going to explore. Read as much as you can about it until forming a complete understanding. Good writing requires appropriate knowledge. During this analysis, pay special attention to your emotions and considerations. Try to identify what moves you. This type of essay requires not only your strict approach but also a personal attitude. So, be precise about that and fix all your personal feelings that may arise. You will use them to make your thesis statement.
3. Write your thesis statement.
Based on the provided research and your considerations, form an informative, concise, and clear thesis statement. Reflect your personal attitude about it. This thesis statement should determine the subsequent content of your essay. Your thesis may and even should cause discussions.
We suggest you not to treat this statement as something fixed, and you may amend it during the next writing. In the outcome, you simply need to ensure that your principal statement, other arguments developed on its basis, and other content of your essay are coherent.
4. Create an outline for your future essay
It is also important to draft a preliminary plan of writing. An outline will serve this purpose very well. You need only to take a separate piece of paper, rely on the results of your previous review and consideration, and form the outline for your essay.
This outline should determine the structure and content of the future text, the number of paragraphs, and supplementary things, like evidence. During the preparation of your outline, emphasize your principal statement and formulate arguments on its basis. It is desired to split the future essay on a number of paragraphs the same as the number of supporting arguments. These paragraphs will form the body of this essay. It will be preceded by the introduction that should contain your principal statement and will be followed by the short conclusion containing a final overview of your essay.
For your convenience, make a scheme of your essay where all the most important points will be reflected. Again, these points are your principal statement, arguments, and conclusion.
5. Write your first draft.
For your initial draft, remove all your possible inner limits and use free writing. You can correct this version afterward. For this stage of your writing process, express all your important points of view and considerations freely only.
Use your outline to have better writing. When looking at all the most important points you have emphasized, follow from one point to another smoothly by using transition sentences between the paragraphs. This essay is related to difficult moral categories itself, so it is better to make sure it is flowing enough.
6. Edit your essay
After you have completed the first draft, put it away for some time, at least for one day. This is necessary to refresh the existing views. You will look at your essay with your fresh view and make the necessary corrections. For instance, you can remove excessive phrases and sentences, condensing similar parts of your text, and forming more informative sentences. You may add your new ideas or considerations where appropriate. At this stage, you will have a more or less complete picture of your writing work and will be able to make it complete.
7. Pass it to somebody else
It is always better to pass your essay to somebody for reading. This person will be able to review your text and give feedback. At this point, you should be careful. Don’t change your point of view if reviewers disagree with it. This essay should reflect your own point of view only. You may ask reviewers to provide feedback about the clarity and readability of your essay, and about whether it is persuasive or not.
8. Polish till readiness
After you have received feedback from the involved reviewers, take an effort to make your essay better. Revise it until readiness. To check yourself, you may use various online tools or refer for help from professional editors.
Suggested Topics for Ethics Essays
The field of ethics is unlimited. You are free to choose any topic that interests you. But, for your convenience, here are some suggested topics you may pick easily to practice:
- The most important ethical aspects of medicine
- When ethical rules become stereotypes?
- How to elaborate and implement a moral code for a workplace
- About the influence of family background on the personal ethical norms
- What impact social circumstances have on ethical rules?
- Morality is about…
- The role of ethics in the U.S.A.
- About the role of professional ethics
- Ethics in the course of the educational process
- Business with ethical aspects
- Is it ethical to prohibit abortion?
- About the existing approaches to differentiate non-ethical and ethical behavior
- The influence of mentality on our communication with others
- Discrimination issues: ways of preventing and combating?
- Is it bad to act selfishly?
- Morality along with happiness
- Is it possible to tackle jealousy?
- Reasons why some people act badly
- Is it really selfish or normal to fulfill our desires?
- The best models of behavior for modern society
- How to make people happy?
- Altruism vs. egoism
- What social values predominate in modern society?
- Is it ethical to conduct human cloning?
- What are the main reasons for unsocial behavior?
- Who is responsible for the results of any protest?
- How to deal with violence in modern society?
- Is it ethical to implement capital punishment?
- How to address abuse effectively?
- Ways for preventing violations of rights
- How to decrease the level of aggression?
- What can people do to prevent discrimination?
- How to encourage entrepreneurs for more transparency in terms of doing business?
- When is it appropriate to prohibit self-expression?
- How to handle conflicts related to discrepancies of moral values?
- Is it good to be evil sometimes?
Final words
Ethics essays are writing assignments that cover certain moral aspects of our life. Feel free to provide here your points of view and argumentation. Also, make sure your essay is flowing and not boring. Despite the serious nature of its subject matter, it should be interesting.
Good luck to you and enjoy your writing.