Briefly, what is an essay about challenges?

This essay is a short description of any important experience and life lessons you have learned or are passing at the moment. These can be your success stories and failures; both are important. You may write about anything you are interested in and want to share with your readers. Here are some examples for you:
- personal challenges;
- real-life situations you have managed to overcome;
- your victories;
- failures;
- fears.
If you wonder how to distinguish challenges from other life situations, here is one criterion for you. The real challenge should change your personality or life in some way or form your character. This simple trick will help you to distinguish ordinary situations from your life challenges.
Tricks about writing this type of essay
You may simply share with any life lessons you have learned and the challenges you have passed. But, if you are facing these challenges at the moment, you may help yourself to overcome them. Freewriting is always helpful for resolving any kind of problem. In the course of writing, you may notice your reflections about this challenge, think about its main causes, and possible solutions. This writing can inspire you significantly.
One point you should consider if you follow the mentioned above approach. Set your limits for this purpose. Identify for yourself what kind of information you want to share with your future readers, what is comfortable for you and what is not. For your first draft, you may write down everything and decide only afterward what points to remain and what to remove.
Writing tips
Completing this type of assignment requires your thorough preparation and effort. You may help yourself by using the next writing tips:
- Think about the most important things your story consists of. What important things you would like to share with your future readers. List them to help yourself.
- Structure your story properly. Describe it briefly and intriguing in the introduction. Expand this story in the main body of your essay. Summarize this life lesson in the final part of your story.
- This story should be interesting enough. Write in a catching manner, and feel free to add captivating details.
- You may also include humor where appropriate.
- Emphasize the circumstances underlying this life challenge.
- Make sure you have described this situation in a manner of promoting yourself.
- Don’t underestimate your experience. Many famous at the moment writers did so but, in the outcome, their future readers were grateful for sharing some valuable experience.
Stages of writing
To organize your time for writing productively, you may follow the next stages of writing:
Brainstorming. Think about a challenge you want to describe, about its timeframes, preconditions, the most important peculiarities of this situation, and other things you would like to share with. Also, think about the most appropriate manner in which you would like to describe all these points. For this aspect, think thoroughly about your target audience, its possible expectations, and preferences.
1. Make an outline for your future essay.
Take a separate paper and list all the most important ideas you would like to include in your future essay. Range them afterward to organize your future content logically.
2. Prepare your future draft using free writing.
For your first draft, write without stops and include all the most important points you would like to share with your future readers. Feel free to share with all considerations and emotions in this regard. You will have a chance to correct such afterward.
3. Edit your draft a couple of times
After you have prepared your first draft, set it aside for a couple of days and read afterward. Make sure you have formed short and informative paragraphs 5-6 sentences long.
You should pay attention to certain drawbacks this draft has. Think about possible ways how you can correct such and make respective amendments. Try to evaluate your draft from the third-person perspective to find out whether it is readable enough. If not, review this essay once again and make relevant changes.
Finalize your work at this stage by checking grammar, punctuation, and other errors that may appear in your text. Pay special attention to the readability of your text. Check all these points by using various online tools and reading it from a paper.
4. Pass your essay to someone else for review and make its final polishing
If you have this opportunity, pass your essay to someone else for review. This way, you may get useful feedback and amend this essay, respectively, to make it more convenient for your future readers. Make sure your essay sounds interesting enough.
Final words
Writing about challenges is a challenge itself. You need to pick the right topic, develop your outline, choose the exact amount of details you want to include, and describe such effectively. Feel free to share with others your valuable experience and enjoy your writing.