Great Ideas For Descriptive Essay Topics On Any Subject

Writing a descriptive essay – is a pretty exciting process. It’s all about expressing your thoughts and using all of your creativity. Students don’t always have problems with composing a descriptive essay, and anyone can handle it. It gets even entertaining sometimes – to describe something you are passionate about.
This type of writing is pretty simple to complete because you don’t have to conduct any research. All you need is your mind and the topic to write about. Well, writing skills are important too. The main idea of a descriptive essay is to present your personal thoughts and feelings about a certain question. As you can see, no complicated investigation is needed. Usually, high school and college students are happy to have this simple assignment.
Is there something tricky about the descriptive essay? It seems to be a pretty clear task – just formulate your description of some topic. But the topic has to be chosen, and it gets difficult sometimes. Many students struggle with selecting one perfect topic for their descriptive essay. It has to be relevant, interesting, well-defined, understandable for the readers.
When you choose a topic for a descriptive essay, you have to keep in mind the features of this paper. You are going to make a description, so you’ll have to display a lot of your thoughts, emotions, opinions. If the topic doesn’t excite you and you have no opinion about it, the task can get difficult. Therefore, it’s important to follow your passion when it comes to the topic for the descriptive essay.
No reasons to worry, though. We prepared for you a variety of interesting topics, so you can just choose whichever you like.
Ideas for the Descriptive Essay Themes for College Students
1. How I imagine a soul looks.
2. The best moments about falling in love.
3. How I see my perfect day.
4. The invention I find the most important in human history.
5. The book that changed my mind.
6. The difference between millennials and generation Z.
7. Does extraterrestrial life exist?
8. First time, I got heartbroken.
9. The most exciting travel for me.
10. How I see the year 2200.
Great Descriptive Essay Ideas for High School Students
1. Description of my first love.
2. Description of the perfect vacation.
3. The best things about every member of my family.
4. Description of my favorite movie.
5. Description of my worst fear.
6. Describing a feeling when I first heard my favorite song.
7. Description of my favorite subject.
8. The perfect place to relax.
9. A dish I can eat every day.
10. Description of a friendship.
11. Things that always calm me down.
12. What does “home” mean for me?
13. Description of the best day from my childhood.
Decent Descriptive Essay Themes – Middle School Version
1. My favorite animal.
2. The dish I cook the best.
3. Places in my city I would show to a tourist.
4. A celebrity I would love to meet.
5. My favorite color.
6. My favorite outfit.
7. A music band I would like to join.
8. My favorite toy when I was a child.
9. Should homework be canceled?
10. Is it hard to get only excellent grades in school?
Great Descriptive Essay Topics for Various Grades
This task can take place in every grade. But topics will be slightly different for each of them. Let’s learn even more catchy ideas for the descriptive essay topics.
Nice Essay Topics for the Fifth Grade
1. My favorite sport.
2. A memory that is special for me.
3. The thing I do better than other people.
4. My best friend.
5. Little pleasures in my everyday life.
6. My morning routine.
7. Things I want to learn how to do.
8. A day without the internet.
9. My favorite part of the day.
10. My perfect room.
Descriptive Essay Topics for the Sixth Grade
1. Exciting things in nature.
2. How do I imagine aliens?
3. The scariest things on the Earth.
4. What does “soulmate” mean for me?
5. How to stay healthy.
6. What helps me when I feel down.
7. My favorite holiday.
8. Things I’m afraid to lose.
9. Would I change my name to a different one?
10. Things I don’t understand about other people.
11. What would I buy if I had a million dollars?
Descriptive Essay Ideas for the Seventh Grade
1. My mother’s job.
2. Who I want to become when I grow up.
3. Is it hard to be kind to everyone?
4. My favorite character from the movie.
5. A country I want to visit.
6. What to think about to fall asleep faster.
7. The best present I’ve ever got.
8. Places I want to visit this year.
9. Things I’m thankful for.
10. Do I believe in fate?
11. How to avoid fights with your friends.
12. My favorite teacher in school.
Great Descriptive Essay Themes for the Eighth Grade
1. My favorite social media.
2. The most difficult subject for me.
3. Would I like to have a twin?
4. My favorite form of art.
5. Three features of the perfect friend.
6. 5 reasons why I love myself.
7. My favorite picture in my camera roll.
8. My favorite joke.
9. The best compliment I’ve ever heard.
10. The nickname my parents call me.
Descriptive Essay Topics for the Ninth Grade
1. Is it good for a child to be homeschooled?
2. How to do your homework fast and effectively.
3. Should all people go vegan?
4. My favorite thing about high technologies.
5. Would I like to be immortal?
6. How to take care of nature every day.
7. Is it important to speak several languages?
8. How to build a new habit.
9. Things I appreciate the most.
10. Can happiness be measured with money?
Great Ideas for the Descriptive Essay Themes
There is nothing difficult about writing a descriptive essay, but you have to try your best while selecting a topic for it. It can be slightly difficult, so here are some great examples of interesting topics for your paper.
1. My first salary and what I bought right after getting it.
2. My biggest goal in life.
3. How to manage your time while working and studying.
4. How to refuse a person and stay polite.
5. Finding a balance between work and personal time.
6. How to speak with an angry person and not get into a fight.
7. The best ways to stay motivated during a hard time at work.
Good Topics for a Scientific Descriptive Essay
1.The Big Bang theory.
2. What the Universe is made of.
3. Is it possible to clone a human?
4. The biggest mysteries of the ocean.
5. The impact of global warming on agriculture.
6. What is meteor rain, and is it dangerous for the Earth?
7. What information stores in our DNA.
8. Human achievements in prosthetics.
9. Can we move to Mars in the future?
10. The biggest achievements of humanity in chemistry.
Descriptive Essay Themes about Entertainment
1. Description of the best concert I have ever been on.
2. Description of Van Gogh’s painting.
3. The movie that has the best ending.
4. Description of the classical melody and the feelings it brings me.
5. The hidden sense of an abstract painting.
6. The song that can become the soundtrack to my life.
7. The comedy movie that makes me laugh all the time.
8. Things I don’t understand about ancient arts.
9. My favorite sculpture.
10. A book that everyone must read and why.
Good Descriptive Essay Topics about Feelings
1. Description of the feeling when you fall in love with someone.
2. The one phrase that made me feel overjoyed.
3. Describe the feeling of the last day of vacation.
4. How does it feel to be brokenhearted?
5. The trait of my personality I am proud of.
6. How does it feel to be free?
7. How low self-esteem impacts one’s personality.
8. Description of getting an unexpected gift.
9. Describe the feeling of flying for the first time.
10. The deepest song I’ve heard and the emotions it brings me.
Descriptive Essay Ideas about Things You Love
1. My first smartphone.
2. The best holiday I had with my family.
3. Description of my future apartment or home.
4. My favorite activity I can do all day long.
5. How to be a good friend.
6. The importance of self-development.
7. How to stay fit and healthy without restrictions and suffering.
8. 5 things I love about my appearance.
9. What would I change in my appearance if I could change anything.
10. The most important person for me.
11. Free things that are the most valuable.
12. My favorite street in my city.
13. What I love about my parents and grandparents.
Great Topics for the Descriptive Essay about Thoughts and Memories
1. Description of the scariest memory from your childhood.
2. Description of the day you met your first love.
3. The time you felt on top of the world.
4. The one photo that brings you warm memories.
5. Description of the day you felt like a failure.
6. Description of the hottest day you’ve ever experienced.
7. Describe the biggest mistake you have even made.
8. Describe the feeling when you are finally getting well after a long time of being sick.
9. The first time you attended a party.
10. A person you wanted to be when you were a child.
11. Thoughts that keep you up at night.
12. The best decision you have ever made.
13. The first time you went swimming.
Ideas for Descriptive Essay Topics about Objects
1. Description of the object that makes your home cozy.
2. Describe your workplace.
3. Three best things about your apartment.
4. What object in your room is the most expensive one?
5. Describe an object you created by yourself.
6. 5 things you use every day.
7. What would you buy for your friend as a gift if you had 1000$?
8. Describe the most beautiful decorative object in your house.
9. Three things you regret buying.
10. Describe your favorite piece of clothing.
11. Describe 5 objects you can see through your window.
12. Describe an overpriced object you own.
13. What features are you looking for when buying a new smartphone?
Now you have plenty of great ideas for the descriptive essay topics. All you have to do – is to select the most exciting one. Pick a theme that will help you to show off your creativity and descriptive skills. The more you care about the topic, the better result you will get. Good luck with your writing!